RMO Osteopathy

RMO Osteopathy


Manage pain with manual therapy.  Give osteopathy a try and see how much better you can feel!  


In pain and tried everything?  What about a different approach?  Have you heard of Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a hands-on therapy that focuses on putting you body into its’ "optimal" state.   Osteopathy's focus is to attempt to correct dysfunction in your body by addressing your bones, joints, muscles, fascia, viscera (organs), and your cranial membranes.  Osteopathy is very light and gentle. A Manual Osteopath helps to guide your body back to it's optimal state.  

One of the main principles of osteopathy is that your body is self-healing and self regulating, and it is our job to try to find and correct the dysfunctions that interfere with those self-healing processes so your body can do what it already knows to do: heal and maintain itself!  

A Manual Osteopath will perform an assessment and take your health history, obtain informed consent, and then establish a treatment plan for you.  A manual Osteopath will then have you sit or lay on a treatment table with your clothes on, and will address any dysfunctions that your body is presenting with.  We will do some light and gentle joint mobilizations, soft tissue work, visceral and cranial release.  A Manual Osteopath look at the body as a whole and we are taught to understand how it works together. Then we can discern where your pain and discomfort may be originating from.  If you have shoulder pain or chronic headaches, it may be coming from your hips or feet!  Manual Osteopaths are trained to see patterns of dysfunction throughout your body and try to correct them so we are not just managing the painful symptoms, but try also to get to the root cause of your pain.  

It’s important to understand that we are NOT Doctors.  We cannot diagnose conditions or illnesses, prescribe medicine, read medical tests.  Please see your Dr. first for proper diagnosis and tests !

Osteopathy is another avenue of manual therapy that can help increase range of motion, increase blood and lymphatic flow and decrease pain!  It can also give you an overall sense of well-being.  We work on pain, chronic pain and conditions, injuries, illness recovery, and those with mobility issues.




Hi!  I'm Rachel Orr, Manual Osteopath (D.O.M.P.).

I was a practicing Registered Massage Therapist since 2003, and now I am a Manual Osteopath.  I want to help you understand your body and how it works! I believe Osteopathy will help you be in less pain and get you back to your life!

I have been the (unfortunate) recipient of many injuries, broken bones, migranes and a bad car accident in my life.  Over time, these traumas have wreaked havoc on my body and my life.

Osteopathy has greatly improved my life and my pain level..I am constantly amazed.  I wanted to learn Osteopathy so I could help others live their best life.

Osteopathy can help with so many painful syndromes such as accident recovery, injury recovery, migranes and chronic issues.  

Let us know how we can help you!







Services provided at RMO Osteopathy are manual osteopathy. 

Included in manual osteopathy is joint mobilizations, soft tissue work, cranial osteopathy and visceral (organ) work.  These four pillars of the body are assessed and treated. Our aim is to bring your body back to it's most optimal state by removing any stress on your structure that may be causing your pain, discomfort and dysfunction.



One Hour Initial Osteopathic Assessment and Treatment $120

Forty Five Minute Subsequent Osteopathic Visit $95

Thirty minute subsequent osteopathic Visit    $75

There is HST on Osteopathic Services

HST is included in our prices

*Covered by most Extended Health Benefits



What to expect in an Osteopathic treatment

You will be asked to fill out health history and consent forms.  An assessment to check your range of motion and abilities may be performed as well as special orthopeadic tests if needed. Then, you will lie clothed on a treatment table and it is best to wear loose fitting clothing.  No jeans or belt are best. The therapist will treat your joints and muscles and check for dysfunction, pain, and loss of motion.  They will then perform gentle stretches and joint movements to help you regain mobility and reduce pain.  They will reassess you after the treatment to see how well your body fell back into proper alignment.



What to expect after an Osteopathic treatment

You hopefully will feel less pain, have more range of motion, and increased blood and lymphatic flow to your body. You may feel tired and relaxed, or you may very well feel energized and ready to go!  You should feel in better alignment and in less pain and discomfort.

Your therapist will give you a timeline for follow up visits depending on the issue you are treating, and how your body seems to be responding.